I am not much of an artist, but I enjoy appreciating art. I don't go on much museum visits now compared to when I was younger, but I do look at art pieces via the world wide web (that's the power of technology - things being in front of you by the press of your fingertips). I think you get to understand the cultures and norms of a particular era from the paintings. Each painting depicted a story and storyline. Interestingly, there are many ways to interpret what your eyes see and how you could immerse your thoughts in it. It's amusing how some people can spend a long time in front of a painting and contemplate, hence most museum and art galleries are quiet spaces, you do not need a loud noise to state your point. You may also get two people to have different perspectives as they look over the same painting.

It's similar when you see what happens inside a therapy room. The client shares their experiences with the therapists during therapy sessions. This provides therapists with the information we need to understand and assess the situation. We may have our own thoughts and perspectives on the matter discussed. However, it is our duty to listen without reacting to our own prejudices. Hence, listening without judging your client. The therapy room is also a safe and comfortable space, usually quiet and serene. Making it easier for one to express themselves and be vulnerable.

If you have never been to a therapy session before, but feel curious about what kind of atmosphere it has, why not give museum or art gallery a visit? You may get the vibe 😉