Visiting aquariums or seaworlds has always been fun for me. You get to see underwater animals from the tiniest size to the big and scary lot (that you do not wish to come across in real life 😳). When you see them moving and swimming around freely without much care of the humans that are looking at them, they look like they are enjoying their time. You see them living together in peace and harmony. The different colours and shapes made them all look beautiful and became so pleasing to the eyes. Some sea animals can be trained to perform smart tricks, and they can even be very cheeky!

Whenever I watch documentaries on the underwater world, it always amazes me how vast and mysterious that world can be. Have you heard of underwater lakes and rivers that exist at the bottom of the ocean? I was blown away when I watched it on the tele. I imagine how beautiful it must have been to be able to see that with your very own two eyes and not just through a screen. Will I ever be interested in learning snorkelling or diving? Maybe not, hence I am very satisfied with watching and learning about this world from land πŸ˜‰. I used to be able to swim, but as of recently, I found out that talent has become rusty. Rather than swimming, I was literally splashing enormous amounts of water out from the pool without really moving forward nor backwards πŸ€ͺ.

We are individuals who live within communities and live on land, yet we do have similarities to the ecosystem underwater and in the vast oceans. There are said and unwritten rules that help to keep the system running smoothly. You may not be living only with your own kind, and most of the time, we are living among those who are different from ourselves. There are bound to be misunderstandings and arguments, but usually, we find ways to work on the differences and live in harmony. I wonder if we live a little simpler and abide by the rules of the community – will there be more peace and harmony amongst us? We can’t force change upon others as it is not within our control – but we can surely learn to manage our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

How about you, can you recognise what are the things within your control and what are the things out of your control?

BBC One - Blue Planet II, Series 1, The Deep, Brine pool of death
A cutthroat eel ventures too close to a deep-sea brine lake.

Thoughtnote 07: 'Underwater adventure!'